Advanced Mobile Learning with Multimedia - Overview
Course Description The Advanced Mobile Learning with Multimedia MOOC builds upon the introductory Mobile Learning with Multimedia MOOC. It targets primary and secondary school teachers as well as oth…

Advanced Cybersecurity Training for Teachers
The course is designed for
teachers and teacher educators who have either completed the introductory
course, Cybersecurity Training for Teachers, or have other relevant background.
- Teacher: Rebecca Ferrie
- Teacher: Anna Lee
- Teacher: Faith Malusi
- Teacher: Eddah Murrey
- Teacher: Patricia Musomba
- Teacher: Linda Mwibanda
- Teacher: SV Prasad Rao

Advanced Mobile Learning with Multimedia
The Advanced Mobile Learning with Multimedia MOOC builds upon the introductory Mobile Learning with Multimedia MOOC. It targets primary and secondary school teachers as well as other practitioners in…
- Course Mentor: Melisa Allela
- Course Mentor: Savitri Emmanuel
- Course Mentor: Emman Kianga

- Teacher: Guru Kasinathan
- Teacher: Yogesh KS

Cybersecurity Training for Teachers (CTT)
Course Description To mitigate the effects of school closures as a result of COVID-19, digital platforms have been variously adopted by governments to enable teachers to deliver blended or full onlin…
- Teacher: Walter Buyu
- Teacher: Rebecca Ferrie
- Teacher: Patricia Musomba
- Teacher: SV Prasad Rao

Mobile Learning with Multimedia MOOC (MLM)
The Mobile Learning with Multimedia course introduces participants to the use of technology tools that are readily available to them to develop curriculum-relevant and pedagogically sound educational…

The course is designed for
teachers and teacher educators who have either completed the introductory
course, Cybersecurity Training for Teachers, or have other relevant background.